Microblading Orange County

Microblading or Ombre Shading

Microblading, also known as Eyebrow Embroidery is a procedure categorized under permanent makeup, but unlike traditional cosmetic tattooing, it is less invasive and is considered semi-permanent. Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years, depending on skin type and skincare routine.

Microblading + Micro-Shading Combo Brows

The "Combo Brow" is a combination of a manual shading technique and the hair stroke microblading technique. This gives the eyebrow more fullness and definition with additional 3D dimension. The brow is lighter and more wispy in the front due to the hair strokes placed at the start of the brow.

  • With proper maintenance, microblading results can last from 18 to 30 months, so you can enjoy your look for a long time.

  • Ombré brows are a gradual fade from light to dark, whereas powder brows involve using small dots of ink to create a powdered finish.

  • The microblading process can be broken down into three easy steps: first, a consultation to discuss your desired look and design; second, the area will be numbed with topical anesthetic before the application of the technique; and finally, the microblading process will begin.

  • To maintain the best results from your eyebrow procedure, it is important to follow up with regular cleaning and moisturizing, keeping water away from the area for at least 7 days, and avoiding certain activities such as swimming, sweating, or direct sun exposure.

  • By utilizing the precision of microblading, time and effort are no longer needed to create the perfect brow shape - saving you valuable minutes in your daily routine. No longer do you have to worry about pencils, powders, or gels to achieve the perfect brow shape. Microblading is a semi-permanent solution that will give you the perfect brows you desire. The process is simple.

Did you know that eyebrows play a crucial role in our facial expressions and overall appearance? In recent years, the desire for fuller, well-defined eyebrows has led many to seek out semi-permanent solutions. At Revive Aesthetics OC, we offer a top of the line form of semi-permanent eyebrow enhancement known as Microblading. Microblading is an advanced technique used to create natural looking brows that can last for up to three years with just a few touchups in between.

Our highly skilled technicians understand how important it is for you to have beautiful, natural eyebrows that look effortless and enhance your facial features. With our Microblading services at Revive Aesthetics OC, you can always be confident in your look.

What is microblading?

Eyebrow microblading is a semi-permanent makeup technique that uses fine needles to simulate hair-like strokes, filling in sparse or thinning eyebrows for a totally natural appearance. The results of this procedure can last between 18 to 30 months, depending on various factors, making it an ideal solution for those with sparse brows.

The procedure for microblading consists of a consultation at our spa and brow design to create your new brows, numbing and microblading technique, and post-treatment guidance for enduring results.

Ombré brows vs. powder brows

In addition to microblading, there are other semi-permanent eyebrow makeup techniques that offer different levels of shading and fullness for a customized look. Ombre and powder brows are two such techniques, each with their unique results.

Ombré brows, also known as ombre brows, result in a soft shaded brow pencil effect, giving a more gradual transition from light to dark shades. They typically last for up to 12 months. On the other hand, powder brows provide a bolder solid color look and can last up to three years.

Depending on your desired eyebrow appearance, you can choose between these techniques, such as hair strokes, or even combine them for a truly personalized look.

The microblading process: step by step

The microblading process involves several steps, each crucial in achieving the desired results. From consultation and brow design to numbing and the application of the microblading technique, every step is designed to ensure that you receive the perfect brows for your unique features.

Understanding each step of the microblading process can help you feel more confident and prepared for your appointment. Let’s dive deeper into the process and explore what to expect during each stage.

Consultation and brow design

During the consultation, we'll discuss your desired brow shape and color with one of our artists, who then designs the brows to complement your natural features. This stage is crucial in achieving the perfect new eyebrows, as it allows the artist to assess the your skin type, existing brow hair, and desired appearance, ensuring that the final results meet the your expectations.

Our artists will then provide a drawing or mockup of the eyebrows microbladed to demonstrate the expected results. This allows you to visualize the final outcome and finally decide on any necessary adjustments before the actual microblading procedure begins.

Numbing and eyebrow microblading technique

Before the microblading procedure begins, a numbing cream is applied to the eyebrows to ensure minimal discomfort during the process. Once the area is properly numbed, the artist uses a specialized pen to create fine, precise, hair-like strokes on the eyebrows.

The microblading technique involves depositing pigment into the upper dermal layer of the skin, resulting in a natural-looking appearance that lasts for an extended period. With proper care and maintenance, microblading results can last between 18 to 30 months, providing a convenient and long-lasting solution for beautiful eyebrows.

Aftercare tips for long-lasting results

Proper aftercare is essential for ensuring long-lasting microblading results and promoting optimal healing. By following the recommended aftercare tips, you can enjoy your new, stunning eyebrows for an extended period without the need for frequent touch-ups.

Proper cleansing and moisturizing

To ensure the best results after microblading, it is advised to avoid getting any water, lotion, soap, or makeup on the eyebrow area for the first 7 days. After 48 hours, you can begin gently cleansing the area twice a day with a mild antibacterial soap such as Cetaphil, followed by applying a small amount of aftercare ointment with a cotton swab.

Following a proper cleansing and moisturizing routine not only promotes healing but also helps in pigment retention, ensuring that your microbladed eyebrows stay looking their best for as long as possible.

Activities to avoid

In order to ensure proper healing and prevent complications, it is important to avoid certain activities following your microblading procedure. These include swimming, excessive sweating, and direct sun exposure, as they can lead to irritation and impede the healing process.

Additionally, it is advised to avoid sleeping with your face on the pillow, picking the scabs, drinking alcohol 24 hours prior to the procedure, tanning or sunbathing three days prior to your appointment, and working out for at least seven days following the procedure. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure the best possible healing process and long-lasting results.

Benefits of Orange County microblading

Microblading offers numerous benefits, from time-saving convenience to a confidence boost resulting from flawless eyebrows. With microblading, you can achieve the perfect eyebrows without the need for daily makeup application, making your morning routine quicker and easier.

In addition to saving time and effort, microblading can also improve self-esteem and enhance one’s overall appearance. Whether you have sparse brows due to over-tweezing or a medical condition, microblading can transform your eyebrows and help you feel more confident in your own skin.

Time-saving and convenience

One of the main advantages of microblading is the time-saving aspect. By eliminating the need for daily eyebrow makeup application, microblading frees up valuable time in your daily routine. Furthermore, microblading provides a long-term solution for those with sparse or no eyebrows, eliminating the need for constant grooming and touch-ups.

The convenience and time-saving benefits of microblading make it an ideal solution for busy individuals, allowing them to maintain beautiful eyebrows with minimal effort and upkeep.

Boosting confidence with perfect eyebrows

Achieving perfectly shaped and fuller eyebrows with microblading can have a significant impact on your confidence and overall appearance. Not only do well-groomed eyebrows enhance your natural features, but they also provide a more youthful and refined look with brows microbladed.

With microblading, you can enjoy the confidence boost that comes with having perfect eyebrows, knowing that they will remain beautiful and well-defined for an extended period. Say goodbye to the daily struggle with eyebrow pencils and powders, and embrace the convenience and confidence that microblading can bring.


At Revive Aesthetics OC, we can help you achieve the best microblading in Orange County CA. Our skilled professionals use superior techniques to give you eyebrows that are microbladed with precision and accuracy. Whether you're looking for a subtle enhancement or something more dramatic, our team is here to bring your vision to life!

We specialize in providing natural-looking results that will last for months or even years. So whether you want permanent makeup or just need some touchups, our popular services are perfect for you. Book an appointment today to get the best microblading available in Orange County! We look forward to helping you revive your aesthetic.